Meeting Minutes - 4/4/2005
Rancho Heights Road Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: April 4, 2005
Location: California Grill Restaurant / Temecula
Time: 6:00
Committee Members Present: S. Bochinski, B. Romans, J. Szepkouski, J. Geller, S. Plyler
Property Owners Present: Chavez, Ebmeier, Hill
Rainbow Water District: R. Glick
Call to Order:
Stephen B. called the meeting to order.
Additions/Changes to the agenda: none
Financial Report:
Report was presented by Beverly. Account balances, payables, receivables and collection status were reviewed. “Second” collection notices were sent to delinquent accounts two weeks ago. As of this date, ten day notices are being mailed, after which accounts in default shall be filed against in small claims court. Motion to accept Financial Report made by Steve P., seconded by Jonathan.
Discussion was held regarding filing in Court of Limited Jurisdiction against those past due accounts which either are chronic non-paying accounts or owe sums larger than admissable in small claims court. Motion made by Beverly to file against property-owners in default in Small Claims Court unless the amount owed is in excess of the Court’s $5,000 limit, in which case the property-owner shall be filed against in the Court of Limited Jurisdiction, where property-owners will be liable for attorney fees in addition to all monies currently owed. Motion seconded by James, passed by all.
Gate Report / Construction Schedule: Trenching, Paving:
Gates have been temporarily removed to redesign and reinstall hinges to maximize width of opening. Operators are ready for installation and power has been released by SDG&E. Pavement has been sawcut and trenching for conduit is being scheduled. Full operational mode is expected by late May/early June.
Sub-Committee Reports:
Gate Operations Sub-Committee:
Complete Gate Operations information is being developed and will be mailed to property-owners. This will include instructions on gate procedure and an official application to obtain a remote opener.
Communications Sub-Committee:
The March newsletter was mailed this week. It is currently posted on the website. The website continues to develop with additional information added regularly.
Road Repair:
Road Committee and members of Road Safety Sub-Committee will mark damaged areas. Two paving companies: Joe’s Paving and Peter’s Paving will be brought in to give estimates on repairs.
Estimates will include repairing as many damaged areas as we can afford in addition to paving the new gate area.
Motion made by Stephen B. to hire surveyor, in preparation for paving, to document easement area on south side of road from intersection of Pala/Temecula Road to beyond gate area. Motion seconded by Jonathan, passed by all.
Mail Delivery:
Beverly is in tough continued conversations with the Postmaster regarding future options for mail delivery. Research to clarify our status and options is being conducted by the Postmaster.
Scheduled Community Agenda Items: (none were submitted prior to meeting)
Public Comments: (no property-owners requested to address the Committee)
Adjournment: Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm
Date Minutes Meeting Held:
Monday, April 4, 2005