Meeting Minutes - 3/31/2009

Rancho Heights Road and Management Committee
Meeting Minutes 
Date: March 31, 2009
Location: Ebmeier residence 
Time: 7 pm 
Committee Members Present:  Ebmeier, Geller, Eaton, Szepkouski, Hill 
Call to Order:
Chairman Ebmeier called the meeting to order at 7 PM.   
Financial Report: 
Report was presented by Treasurer Geller who described account balances, payables, receivables  and a review of collection status.  
Road Report:  
Report was presented by James Szepkouski who reported that many of the drainage ditches that had been eroded were filled by contractor Eric Wolfe in late February and early March.  He also reported that bids on repair work were being solicited.   It was estimated that roughly 10,000 s.f. of road surface would require pavement repair.  Motion was made by Craig Hill to repair aging pavement and potholes.  Seconded by Eaton, passed unanimously.  Work installing culverts on Sunset Peak was also discussed.  This is a project the Committee is planning in partnership with the property owners on Sunset Peak. A soils engineer will be consulted to assure proper placement and sizing of the culverts.  Money is being collected from property owners on Sunset Peak to pay for the contractor who will perform the work.  Eaton made a motion to move forward to install culverts and do miscellaneous grading on Sunset Peak. Seconded by Szepkouski and passed unanimously.   It was noted that weed abatement spraying had been performed in mid-March.  
The re-location  of the cluster mailbox project was discussed, as well as the procedure for the 51 subscribers to switch their delivery point from their stick boxes outside the gate to the new location inside the gate.  Notices will be sent to subscribers that detail how to go about making the switch. 
Painting of the gate stucco was discussed.  Bids to paint the masonry surface will be solicited.   
Legal Issues:
The Committee discussed ongoing efforts by a few discontented property owners and others to drive down property values in the community.   The Chairman described mail parcels sent out by certified mail to real estate agents selling property in the community and others including legal firms and contractors.   It was noted that the parcels were sent anonymously and attempted to mislead recipients into believing they were mailed by the Committee.  Return address on the parcels included the Committee's USPS mailbox number, and in fact some parcels were returned to that box as undeliverable.  The Chairman asserted that the parcels were sent to instill fear in those who might do business in the community  (particularly those in the real estate industry) and to discourage prospective buyers from buying property in the community.  It was unanimously agreed to post a message on the web site warning property owners and others about communications that purport to be from the Committee but are not.  Property owners will be warned that any communication by mail from the Committee will have the signature of at least one officer of the Committee on it and that if the communication does not have that signature, it is illegitimate.  
Treasurer Geller moved that the Committee seek legal advice on options open to the Committee in order to protect the Community's property owners and their investments.   Seconded by Szepkouski, and passed unanimously.    
It was noted that various complaints against the Committee and the Community were sent to the Contractors State License Board, the California Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as well as several administrative bodies in San Diego County.  None of these complaints have resulted in any action against the Committee or the Community.   
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm.
Date Minutes Meeting Held: 
Tuesday, March 31, 2009