RHRC Meeting Minutes - 2/4/2013
Minutes, Feb 4, 2013
Committee meeting was held at the home of Mary Anne Schetter at 7:00PM on February 3, 2013
In attendance were: James Szepkouski – Chairman, Jim Thomas – Secretary, Mary Anne Schetter- Treasurer.
Also in attendance from the property owners were: Raymond Cole, Jesus Ayala, Ron Barbanell, Dennis Price, Jon Driscoll, Charles Smith, Phil Burke, Phil Bulfinch (for Jim Bolster).
Meeting was called to order by Chairman James Szepkouski and the minutes from the meeting on December 4, 2012 were read and the minutes from the annual meeting held November 17, 2012 were disseminated, anyone with changes or corrections were encouraged to respond by Friday, February 8, by 5:00 PM. It was noted that a recording was available from that meeting.
The meeting was then open to property owners for a 15 minute discussion(discussion lasted over an hour, with 46 minutes dedicated to one person’s comments) Ray Cole questioned why the increase in his assessment came without notice. He was informed that notices were sent out ahead of time and he said that he evidently did not read his notices.
Ron Barbanell discussed voting regulations and warned about legal action. He wanted to know if the committee had sought attorney Kevin Johnson’s opinion. James Szepkouski said that we had conferred with the attorney. Ron Barbanell said he had an active role in drafting the vote measure but that he doubted it would stand up in court. Ron warned about legal action. James Szepkouski said we had sent out several documents advising of the 4 issues that the community would be voting for.
Phil Burke clarified that the $740.00 was a special assessment and not the regular property assessment.
Ron B said the ballot was a compromise in order to move forward, he feared legal action and wanted legal advice as he always wants things to be legal.
Jon Driscoll welcomed the opportunity to speak and pointed out the original Road Agreement was handicapped and fraught with problems… an issue we need to fix. Our community would have to make bold decisions to come up with a satisfactory solution.
Chuck Smith asked about how monies from the increased assessment would be spent. James Szepkouski pointed out that the budget shows % and $ for the planning of expenditures.
Mary Anne shared that currently we have $41,300.26 in our operating budget and $4,314.07 in the reserve account. Of current billings, 46 of 144 parcels have paid. Of the $36,320.07 outstanding assessments at fiscal year end, $6,300 has been collected. She also explained we were below budget in three areas, weed abatement ($332.00 saved), D&O insurance ($754 saved), and general liability insurance ($3,100 saved.
Ray Cole stated that $55,000 would not be enough to repair roads adequately, he wanted to know how the $740 was calculated. Phil Burke explained that we need the money just to hold the status quo and repeated that the special assessment was a one year special.
Ron Barbanell said the special assessment was the first time the committee asked for support (not true) He warned about litigation. He said there would be problems trying to get owners to pay, he warned about litigation. He warned that owners would have to disclose problems in the community when trying to sell, if not complete, possible litigation. Ron continued saying that the community would need to file bankruptcy to get out of trouble … “the only solution is bankruptcy” and “the community needs to own up to its responsibilities”.
Dennis Price does not want so many chained emails. Mary Anne told him the web site would have email information to review.
Discussed sub-committee on Visibility Safety, Fire Safety, and brush and tree removal. Phil Burke provided a hand-out that he and Jon Driscoll had drafted detailing their suggested approach. Ron Barbanell warned of litigation, wants a sign off sheet. A permission slip needs to be authored to gain permission for trimming on properties. Jon Driscoll asked to be provided with parcel number and name information from Cori so owners of proposed trimming areas could be advised. Options would be to pay to get it done, can clean up themselves or, let our sub-committee labor force do it. Phil Burke will work with Jon Driscoll to set a date far enough out to allow mail coverage and advise property owners. Phil Bulfinch and Ron Barbanell volunteered use of trucks and chain saws. Furthermore, Ron stated, he “wants to chair a sub-committee to study Magee Road and its arteries as being a public right of way”.
By-laws committee was discussed. Jim Thomas has four people that have agreed to sit on the committee, they are: Phil Burke, Doug Eaton, Terry DiSandro, Chuck Smith and Jim Thomas. First meeting will be made as soon as most can make the time and place. After review of 24 page document from attorney, it will go back to attorney for review, with approval it will go to the committee for vote. If approved they will become the by-laws for the community. It was suggested that ADR be rolled into the Bylaws some way.
Web site is being updated and Jon Driscoll indicates that progress is being made. We encourage use of website for communication instead of often lengthy email chains of correspondence.
Possible bond issue was discussed as a means to raise money to repair large areas of road at one time, with benefits of having more done at once instead of piecemeal repairs as in the past. Ron Barbanell warned of litigation. Discussion ensued about community governing documents regarding borrowing. Phil Burke noted that changing the rules would be needed first and to make sure we are on good legal standing. Rewrite agreement and then write a bond application. This will be in the future.
James Szepkouski indicated that this committee will take one issue at a time, tree trimming, fire routes, by-laws, web site update, and then other issues as they are prioritized by the committee. We will work on a cut off road passible to an ordinary auto and also apply asphalt seal the steep grades to protect them.
Dennis Price was asked if he could help on a plan for a turn around for Sun Set Peak, Tom Bond had indicated he would cooperate with possible land donation.
James Szepkouski moved to adjourn, Mary Anne seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.
Date Minutes Meeting Held: Monday, February 4, 2013