Annual Meeting Minutes - 2003

Meeting Date: October 25, 2003
Committee Members Present: Stephen Bochinski, Philip Burke, Tim Prince, Beverly Romans
Staff Present: Susan McLaughlin
Rancho Heights Owners Present: James Teague, Roger Boucher, Bruce Rogers, Pete Belisle, May Belisle, Dave Pfaff, Greg Eves, Karen Wilhoite, Sal Phalez, gus Konchar, Scott and April Hagata, Scott and Arlene Williams, Terry DiSandro, Cynthia Salgado, Pete and Lisa Vanderhaak, James and Jean Chang, Rudolf Bume, Mekkia de Sanchez, Greg Box, Charles and Gail Glasgow, John and Marcia Cates, Jackie and Craig Hill, Michelle Burke, Pat and Jennifer Mercier, Kirk and Kathy Ebmeier, Steve and Wendy Plyler, Barb Gill, Paul Rieker, James Szepkouski, Estela and Sal Chavez, Charles and Maria Bolster, Wally Bowen, Joy and Douglas Eaton, Dave and Kelli Beal, Bill and Sherri Kincaid, Everett Dunnick
Sign In and Call to Order
Everyone signed in and the records were collected. All addresses and contact information has been updated to what was reflected on the sign-in sheets.
Stephen Bochinski called the meeting to order and discussed the large agenda at hand.
Election of Committee
Phil suggested and encouraged people from all areas of the Rancho Heights community to run for election for the Road committee. It is helpful to have people on the committee who not only live in the area, but are from different parts of the area to ensure balanced views and decisions regarding the road.
The election of the new committee members was moved to the end of the meeting.
Financial Statements
Please see attached financial statement at bottom of page. This is an updated statement from what was handed out at the meeting. There was a correction made to the categorization of a road expense that was put in the gate fund.
Note: Insurance covers both the road as well as the committee members. It is a vital expense.
Questions that came up within this topic of discussion:
Q: Will roads be fixed to a better quality this time?
A: Yes, the committee is looking into entire road re-paving instead of just repairs.
Q: How much more money is needed for the gate now that Pokii is gone?
A: At this point the committee is not sure. This was a large and sudden change and will be reassessed. As soon as there is an answer, this will be communicated to the community.
Q: Has the committee thought about creating bonds?
A: No, but will look into it.
Q: Was there a formal write-up and proposal for the gate?
A: No, nothing official. This was to be completed by a volunteer who was able to obtain materials for little or no-cost. An accurate number was not realistic. In addition, when the gate was in the stage of pricing, the numbers accumulated aren’t accurate anymore anyway. Since we no longer have the volunteer to work on this, the budget and proposal are being created and reevaluated.
Q: When will the gate be completed?
A: An accurate date is not attainable at this time. This is still primarily being done by volunteers who aren’t able to commit all of their time to this project. If we still want to fit into the price range we have collected money for, we will need to continue to use volunteers. Unfortunately we no longer have Pokii to work on the gate, as he resigned his volunteerism. It is estimated he donated about $18,000 worth of time and materials.
There was discussion about raising the road assessment fees. This would require mailing out ballots and following-up with them until enough votes come in. At this time this idea is not being proposed or voted on, it is simply a discussion point.
General statement from committee: There are a lot of good ideas out there, but the committee can not research everything. If you have an idea, the committee would like to know about it. Please do your own research, and create a proposal for the committee. It will be discussed at the next committee meeting.
The following will be added to the website: Committee meeting dates and times, gate information, volunteer information, a "what is going on today" page
Road Report
There is a lot of damage that has been done to the road. This damage is due to both normal wear and tear, in addition to construction damages. Culverts were put in throughout the road in order to direct water away from the road, thereby saving the road from future heavy rain damage. A thank you to Pokii for taking care of the culverts. Another thank you to Jim Teague for filling the culvert holes in with sand.
Four quotes were received for the road. The best quote was for $100,000 for repair, with an additional $35,000 for two more inches of paving all over the road. About $30,000 more is needed for the road repair, but hopefully enough will be collected to do the additional 2" paving. There is still some money left in the power and phone fund and $20,000 will be used for the road. For this reason, the billing will be going out early this year, and hopefully will be paid right away. We are also asking property owners to pay assessments in advance so the road can be repaired properly to prevent future damage. Any pre-payments will go with the parcel thereby adding value if you decide to sell.
Phil proposes to change the billing to bill early and add a note about pre-paying assessments. Beverly seconds the motion, all in favor, motion passed.
Q: Can we get reflectors on the sides of the road?
A: This is being worked on. Please send your feedback on where the reflectors should go.
Mail: There are no formal plans at this time for mail management. The thought is when the gate is complete to move the boxes behind it. A multi-box mail system would be ideal, with larger lock boxes in the event someone has a package too big for the mailbox. This is the goal at this point. Steve Plyler said he would begin work on this project.
Trash: The committee has talked to the companies in the service area, and no one is interested. At this time there are no plans to start a trash service.
Repair: For those property owners who have had construction and therefore caused some damage to the road, Phil and Tim will be talking to these people to let them know the extra assessment they will need to pay. These extra assessments are being evaluated by Phil and Tim, and will be billed at 75% of the assessed damage. The road committee will pay the additional 25%. In the future, Tim and Phil will work on assessing damage prior to building and post a bond for the amount.
If anyone is interested in attending the committee meetings, they are held at the Temecula Pizza Company on the first Monday of every odd month. The meetings are at 5:30pm.
Q: Are there plans to pave Sunset Peak?
A: No current plans, but once funds are available, this may be a possibility.
The positions up for election are: Pokii Seeman, Phil Burke, Tim Prince.
The people interested in running for election are: Tim Prince, Scott Williams, James Szepkouski, Steve Plyler, Jonathan Geller, Phil Burke.
The results are as follows:
Tim Prince: 16 votes
Scott Williams: 14 votes
James Szepkouski: 20 votes
Steve Plyler: 13 votes
Jonathan Geller: 6 votes
Phil Burke: 27 votes
New committee members are: Tim Prince (re-elected), Phil Burke (re-elected), James Szepkouski. The new members will be put on as signers to the Community National Bank Account.
Date Minutes Meeting Held: 
Saturday, October 25, 2003