Meeting Minutes - 12/6/2004
Rancho Heights Road Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: 12/6/04
Location: California Grill Restaurant / Temecula
Time: 6:00
Committee Members Present: S. Bochinski, B. Romans, J. Szepkouski, J. Geller. S. Plyler
Property Owners Present: Boxs, Eaton, Ebmeiers, Geller, Hills, Teague,Thomas
Call to Order:
Stephen B. call the meeting to order, thanked all guests for attending and discussed submitting
requests in advance for adding agenda items.
Annual Meeting Minutes of October 23rd, 2004:
Motion to approve and post to the website made by Jonathan, seconded by James, passed by all.
Additions/Changes to the agenda:
Road Safety Sub-Committee - J. Geller
Drainage Ditches / Weeds - J. Thomas
Financial Report:
Report was presented by Beverly. Motion made by Steve P. to accept, seconded by James,
passed by all.
Community Input:
Bulletin Board: Jim Thomas, James Teague
Both gentleman suggested a bulletin board be constructed at the entrance of the community for posting of information and announcements. Committee to take under advisement.
Special Committee Reports:
Gate: SDG&E has approved all work to date. Electrical panel and underground conduits are complete. Fabrication contract with gate vendor is pending, work can start by February with the gate being fully operational in March. For verification purposes, the width between concrete gate posts has been measured and verified at 16’2”.
New Business:
Meeting Calendar for ’05:
Motion made by Jonathan to adopt quarterly meeting schedule for regular Committee Meetings, seconded by James, passed by all. Road Committee Meetings to be held at California Grill, Temecula at 6:00. Meeting dates tentatively scheduled for Monday; January 10th, April 4th, July 11th. The Annual Meeting shall be considered part of this quarterly schedule, but held at a different location (to be determined), tentatively scheduled on October 22nd, 2005 at 2:00.
In addition to the quarterly meetings, the Committee will meet in closed session on a regular basis for the purpose of holding work progress meetings. Sub-Committee Chairs will be invited to meetings as needs indicate. Tentative progress meeting dates will be Monday; February 7th, March 7th, May 23rd, June 13th, August 8th, September 12th, November 6th and December 5th. Meetings will be held at one of the homes of a Committee member at 7:00.
Communications Calendar for ’05:
Objective: Enhance communications between Road Committee and property-owners, providing regular updates on community news and issues. Motion made by Jonathan to initiate a quarterly Newsletter to be mailed the month before the quarterly meetings. Newsletter to include an announcement of the meeting time and place, in addition to protocol for submitting requests for agenda items. Motion seconded by Steve P., passed by all.
Communications Sub-Committee: (Volunteers: Chair: Jackie Hill, Jim Thomas)
Objective: Produce and distribute a quarterly newsletter, in addition to other periodic news updates which the Road Committee may wish to distribute. Motion made by Jonathan to establish this committee, seconded by Beverly, passed by all. Volunteers for this committee were requested and Jackie Hill and Jim Thomas kindly agreed.
“Initial task”:
December’s Annual Assessment mailing to include: Newsletter sign-up list, (email preferred, but paper mail acceptable), January meeting announcement with detail of time and place, request for meeting RSVP and menu information including cost, protocol for agenda item requests, gate report, announcement of new sub-committees with names of those currently participating and request for additional interested parties to submit their names.
Officer Job Descriptions:
Chairman Bochinski briefly discussed on-going project of creating written job descriptions for the positions of “Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past-Chair, and Members at Large”. Objective is to define Committee member’s roles while sharing responsibility and work-load more evenly. This will allow the Committee to work most effectively in the future without excessive dependence on a limited number of individuals.
Fire Buddies, Neighborhood Watch
General discussion on creating Fire Buddies call system, calling chain to inform parties of fire activity. Nikky Box recommended formalizing a Neighborhood Watch Program through the offical organization. Idea was well received and Nikky was requested to research this project.
Gate Operations Sub-Committee:
Objective: Establish a permanent sub-committee of residents who will create operational procedures, policies and guidelines for operations of the community’s new gate. This sub-committee will serve as the contact point for all parties with questions about the gate, be they property-owners or members of the general public.
Motion made by Jonathan to create this sub-committee with the objective listed above, seconded by James, passed by all.
(Volunteers: Chair: Kirk Ebmeier, Jackie Hill, Road Committee Liaison: James Szepkouski)
“Initial Task”: Speak with gate vendor and similar communities about operational programs, procedures, recommendations, begin documentation of “written” procedures and protocols.
Road Safety & Road Condition Sub-Committee:
Objective: Establish sub-committee of residents for the purpose of continuously monitoring road conditions regarding both safety and construction issues. This committee is designated to respond to urgent and emergent issues such as trees down, blocking the road. Members of this committee shall agree to respond to community needs on a 24-hour basis, whenever personally feasible. Members of this committee will be especially valuable if they can offer chain saw and/or truck services. This committee shall also monitor general road conditions and drainage culverts on an on-going basis and advise Road Committee on maintenance needs.
Motion made by Jonathan to create this sub-committee with the objective listed above, seconded by Steve P., passed by all.
(Volunteers: Chair: Craig Hill, Jim Teague, Jim Thomas, Phil Burke, Road Committee Liaison: Steve Plyler
“Initial Task”: After Road Committee notify’s SDG&E about trees threatening power lines and communicates with property owners of downed trees and associated liabilities, assemble work crew to clear dead trees by means of chain saws. Provide report on general conditions to Road Committee before January 10th meeting.
Road and Parcel Map
Beverly presented the Committee’s self-created map of parcels/roads in discussion of creating a tool to allow the identification of parcel owners along our roads. The objective is to be able to know what property-owner to call when their property is causing a safety issue or liability to the community. As the map is one of a kind, James will take the map for copying and provide interested parties with a copy.
Access Road:
Continued discussion on making access road passable between Magee and Rancho Heights. This road has the potential of providing critical access during emergencies. It has been proposed by Stephen B. that the road be periodically maintained by a dozer. Stephen agrees to talk to Tom Bonds and/or Phil Bullfinch regarding a contract for the dozer work. Will report on bids. Bullfinch?
Website Upgrades / Webmaster:
Parties agree it is desireable to have a local party working on our website, as webmaster.
Jackie Hill offered to investigate applicability of moving website to her customary hosting company, If transfer appears easy, Jackie would consider becoming our webmaster and over-seeing future website upgrades.
Chronology: Doug Eaton, Jim Thomas, both professional writers, volunteered to participate in our project of converting raw historical data into a readable, comprehensible chronology which would become part of our future, upgraded website.
Mail Delivery:
Beverly reported she has been in communication with postmaster regarding the delivery of mail to the house locations. This appears to viable. We will know more in January.
Closed Session:
Community National Bank: The bank reported to us that they had mixed up some accounts, resulting in improper accounting. They had confused Phil Burke’s personal account and the Rancho Heights Road Committee’s account. This resulted in some of Phil’s personal account debits being applied to our account. The bank recognized the error, has returned the funds incorrectly debited from our account and provided us a letter stating their errors and corrections.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:00pm
Community Contact Information shared at meeting
Hill760-742-0224craig cell: 760-505-1127
Action Items:
Bochinski:Work on detail of Chairman job description
Contact Bonds and Bullfinch regarding dozer contract for access road.
Romans:Post Annual Meeting Minutes to website.
Contact SDG&E regarding trees threatening power lines.
Notify appropriate property-owners about their liability and need for tree care on their properties. See if they have a plan or we need to address.
Provide authors, Eaton and Thomas with raw data on chronology.
Continue talking with postmaster about delivery.
Szepkouski:Work with Gate Vendor to complete contract, start fabrication.
Generate copies of parcel map in two sizes.
Geller:Speak with California Grill regarding larger room, pre-fix menu.
Submit December mailing inclusive info to Jackie Hill.
Plyler: Communicate with new Road Safety Sub-Committee.
All Parties:-Review Draft Job Descriptions.
- Review these minutes and submit revisions to Jonathan by 12/13.
- Consider information items to be included in December mailing.
- Consider who would be good additions for all sub-committees.
- Consider requirements of upgraded website.
Next Meeting:January 10th, 6:00 @ California Grill
Date Minutes Meeting Held:
Monday, December 6, 2004