RHRC Meeting Minutes - 10/26/2013
Minutes of Rancho Heights Road and Management Committee Meeting
Date: October 26, 2013
Time: 9:00-11:30 AM
Location: Held at the Mary Phillips Senior Center in Temecula
Attendance sign in sheet was available to property owners, with ID verification, each person was given a voting ballot showing their parcel number and number of votes. In attendance were: Sue Thomas, Cori Szepkouski, R. & N. Martin, J. Geller, P. Burke, P. Bulfinch, M & J Cates, J. Kilker, Mr. & Mrs Bume, G. Tellier, C. & J. Ayala, D. Price, B. Lee, J. Driscoll, S. Simmons, P. Rieker, R. Rysewyck, J. Lira, G. Alstadter. Also committee members: J. Szepkouski, D. Eaton, J. Thomas, M. A. Schetter, C. Smith. The ballot sheet had a tear off bottom to ensure anonymity of the voter.
Meeting was called to order at 9:03 AM by chairman, James Szepkouski, all 5 committee members were present and introduced to the attendees.
Chairman James Szepkouski next discussed road improvements and tree, brush and weed removal. We received an acknowledgement from the County Fire Inspector that the job of clearing trees had been completed, passed inspection and met their standards.
Three seats were up for election and nominations for those positions were opened.
Jim Thomas nominated Bradley Lee, second by John Cates. Norma Martin nominated James Szepkouski, second by Doug Eaton. James Szepkouski nominated Doug Eaton, second by Phil Burke. No one else sought nor was nominated for the open committee positions. When no one else indicated interest, Doug Eaton moved to close the nominations, James Szepkouski seconded.
Each person nominated was then provided three minutes to introduce themselves to the attendees and the committee. Bradley Lee spoke first, he stressed he considered safety an important issue and that he takes a “facts only” approach to reviewing issues. Doug Eaton spoke next saying he had been on the committee since 06, he wants to work toward improving neighbor relationships and encourages others to get involved in community activities as a means of improving relationships. James Szepkouski spoke last indicating he had been on the committee 10 years and this was his first time as chairman.
Road Report was the next item on the agenda. James Szepkouski said we had repaired 14 pot holes, graded Sunset Peak and the Cut-Off road; slurry seal was applied to Magee and Rancho Heights which would extend the service life considerably. Patch paving was made on approximately 30 locations, slurry seal was applied from near Pala Road to just past the entry gate. Other plans include installing a drainage culvert at the intersection of Rancho Heights and Rancho Heights Way. Weed abatement and control will be on going. A priority list is to be prepared for further culvert work, money will dictate the priority listing. Under consideration are safety reflectors for areas of concern on curves for fog conditions and for wet or dark. A 30” convex mirror will be installed at the intersection of Magee and Rancho Heights to add visibility to the intersection.
Financial Report. Mary Anne Schetter had a prepared report for those who did not already have one from the mail. Many items were under budget and the additional assessment for 2013 was being spent per promise.
Legal issues. Doug Eaton. Bylaws were originally drawn by Attorney Kevin Johnson. These were reviewed and amended by a subcommittee. The revised bylaws await a legal opinion. If favorable, the community will be able to vote on adopting, if not favorable, Davis Stirling laws could possibly apply. Some records of property ownership go back as far as 1973 and need to be researched. Jesus Ayala requested a copy of the amended bylaws as they are now, Mary Anne said she would provide it.
Judgment of the appeals court case was favorable for the community and therefore we can legally make assessments and enforce collection of same.
Chuck Smith. As a temporary committee seat holder Chuck made the comment that the neighbors who now see improvements may be more agreeable to additional assessments in the future. Chuck and Gene Tellier agreed to serve on a subcommittee to look into proposals to submit a ballot for consideration by property owners to either increase assessments or create a special assessment. Size and chairperson of the subcommittee to be determined.
Website. Mary Anne Schetter. We now have Windows 8 and will be able to improve and revamp the community website to be more user friendly and informative. There will be access to meeting minutes and agendas.
Fire escape route gate open. There is court action pending but indications are that all gates providing ingress or egress will be open when required.
Ballot count was requested. Cori Szepkouski read the results of the voting from proxy and ballots. Bradley Lee 90 votes, Doug Eaton 78 votes, and James Szepkouski 78 votes. These men were duly elected and will take office immediately.
There was no further open discussion of community issues. Jim Thomas moved for adjournment at 11:10 AM, Mary Anne Schetter seconded, meeting was adjourned.
Date Minutes Meeting Held: Saturday, October 26, 2013