Welcome to the Rancho Heights Road & Management Committee

Civil Codes cited in Bylaws (.pdf)

Many Rancho Heights owners and residents are familiar with “common interest communities” and the homeowners associations that typically govern them. Rancho Heights differs from these communities in one very important respect: We have no areas of common ownership – no greenbelts, recreational facilities, etc. Where properties front on our roads, the property owner owns to the centerline of the road and the road itself is located within an easement for that and related purposes.


The Rancho Heights Road & Management Committee was established in the Declarations of Restrictions and Road Maintenance Agreement recorded with the County of San Diego in 1973. As stated in the Road Agreement “the primary duty of the Committee shall be to act for the landowners as a whole in the enforcement of  these restrictions; and in providing for the repair and maintenance of the roads covered hereby; to consider the addition of new roads to this agreement …; to levy road maintenance assessments when required; to approve or disapprove requests for exceptions to these restrictions …; and to carry out such other activities as the land owners shall from time to time direct.” The Road Agreement and Amendment are the only governing documents of the Committee.


The Committee is composed of five property owners who serve two-year terms. In alternating years, two or three members are elected at the annual meeting. Any owner in good standing (current in assessments) is eligible for election to the Committee and may be nominated from the floor at the annual meeting.


From time to time, the Committee has served as a point of contact for projects not directly related to roads but of interest to the whole community. Some of these are found in Neighborhood Information.


*In July 2006 a complaint was filed against the Committee by three owners. In April of 2007 an agreement was reached in mediation in which it is stipulated that the complaint filed against the Committee in July of 2006 "is dismissed in its entirety with prejudice ..." A binding Memorandum of Understanding has been agreed to and states that "this action has been settled to everyone's mutual satisfaction." Use the links below to view a copy of the original  handwritten Memorandum of Understanding reached in mediation and/or a copy of that memorandum re-typed for clarity.

Typed Memorandum of Understanding

Original Memorandum of Understanding(.pdf)