Policy 09 - Voting by property owners on amendments to the Road Agreement

Revision Date:   
Original Date Established: 1973
Revised: March 20, 2015
Source: Road Agreement & Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, Ruling: RHRMC vs. Dunnick. Case No: 37-2014-00302635-SC-SC-NC
Objective: To standardize voting procedures.  
From time to time the Committee may place proposals before voting property owners to amend portions of the Road Agreement.  The Road Agreement requires 65% of the total votes cast to approve changes in assessments.   Sections of the Road Agreement that do not address assessments require only a majority vote for approval.
The policies of the Rancho Heights Road & Management Committee have been established  in accordance with the Declaration of Restrictions and Road Maintenance Agreement recorded at the County of San Diego Document #73-01969 section 9.
Policies are intended  to serve as  a framework  for the Committee’s decision-making process and shall not be construed  in any manner to restrict the decisions of the Committee in any specific circumstance. All circumstances will be evaluated on a case by case basis and  policies shall be interpreted and  applied by the Committee  per it’s  authority granted by  the Declaration of Restrictions and Road Maintenance Agreement. All decision made by the Committee are binding and final.
Policies and Procedures are subject to revision at the discretion of the Road committee.