RHRC Meeting Minutes - 12/8/2012

Minutes of meeting held December 8, 2012

Present were James Szepkouski, Jim Thomas, Mary Anne Schetter

An emergency committee meeting was held due to the fact that two committee members, Jeff Rising and Ron Barbanell submitted their resignations effective December 8, 2012. An acknowledging email was sent to these gentlemen accepting and recognizing their resignations.

Because Jeff Rising was the chairman of the committee, James Szepkouski was nominated and approved to act as interim chairman. James has the most experience, and has more intimate knowledge of issues facing the committee than the two new members Mary Anne and Jim

During the meeting the following issues were discussed, moved and seconded and carried unamously: Past members resigning will be contacted by James Szepkouski and asked to surrender all RHRC materials including the key to the post office box.

Post office box will be closed with a resultant savings of approximately $100.00.

Moved by Jim T and seconded by Mary Anne S. that James S. will go to our bank and update our letter of active signatories, deleting former committee members and adding Jim Thomas and Mary Anne Schetter.

Nomination procedure to consider replacements for the two resigning members has been tabled until the January 7, 2013 meeting. This will provide an opportunity to advise the community of the openings and anyone wishing to seek a chair on the committee will have time to prepare a brief resume of their qualifications to do so

The recent voting ballots currently reside at Jeff Rising’s house and will be moved to James Szepkouski’s house. Ballots will be counted by two committee members with non-committee members able to witness the count and tally. The ballot counting will be conducted at James’ house on Friday at 7:00 PM James will be responsible for notification of the ballot counting time and place. This will be mailed out with the notification of dues

There was some discussion about making a revote possible, this was decided against for the following reasons: Cost of creating and disseminating new ballots, accuracy of polling the property owners would be essentially the same, delay of response unnecessary as property voters now expect a timely result of their voting, and, the new committee does not want to appear dysfunctional, there is a need to demonstrate leadership and build confidence in the community toward their committee

All future email addressed to info@ranchoheights.com will be automatically forwarded to Jim Thomas, committee secretary

Jim Thomas moved and Mary Anne Schetter seconded that David Minnesang be used as the contractor of choice for the upcoming weed abatement along all roads. This was voted on at this meeting because time is important for scheduling treatment of weeds

Jim Thomas moved and Mary Anne Schetter seconded that the RHRC keep an amount of $25,000 in an open savings account as a contingency fund for unforeseen emergencies. This amount was chosen as it matches our insurance guidelines

The need for sub-committees was discussed and the idea presented that one committee person chair each subcommittee. This is to ensure proper minutes, and that the committees have an officer present to discuss and record important issues

The proposed by-laws was discussed. With our annual billing a notice will be included requesting that each recipient read the by-laws. The by-laws are posted on our website.

In this same public notice, a request will be made for volunteers to serve on the sub-committees and an additional request made for any person interested in serving on the committee to submit their name The ADR for dispute resolution was briefly discussed. A basic form should be used to outline any dispute, list and identify any problems, and leave room to make action item assignments for information gathering and resolution. This favors mediation for issues in lieu of legal action

Response to the many, sometimes lengthy, emails received should be to simply acknowledge receipt but not necessarily provide a response as these tend to go on and on

Jim Thomas will provide a meeting agenda for the committee meeting to be held on January 7, 2013

  Date Minutes Meeting Held: Saturday, December 8, 2012